4th and 5th Grade Art Exhibit Showcases Students’ Creativity

art hangs on a wallWe have some very talented students who are displaying their work for the 4th and 5th grade Art Exhibit!
Here is what they are learning and what they are creating:
4th grade
Symmetry Designs…cutting paper abstract design using symmetry and positive and negative space
Silhouettes…monochromatric backgrounds with silhouette images in black to create a landscape
Sunflowers…inspired by Van Gogh’s sunflower still life paintings with craypa and textured tempera paint
Leaf Designs… elements of art (shape, line, color and texture) arranged in a way that camouflages a leaf
5th grade
Weavings…Navajo inspired woven wall hangings
Landscapes…inspired by Van Gogh’s landscapes, featuring textured surfaces and a large sun.
Landscapes…values painted in watercolor creating a distant mountain landscape
Printing…leaves printed with white tempera and fall colors added with chalk pastel.
Great work students!
paintings Art on display displayed artwork artwork knitted art items art in a hallway paintings on display