
The Facilities Department and its staff are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the district’s school and office buildings, as well as its acres of grounds and athletic fields. Its mission is to keep the buildings safe and conducive to learning while protecting the public’s investment in its facilities. In addition to preventive maintenance and housekeeping, the department is also responsible for long-range planning, budget development and implementation, capital improvements, environmental regulation compliance, health and safety code compliance, New York State Education Department facility code compliance, employee training and risk assessment, and public use of buildings and grounds.


The district is mindful of the health and safety of its students, staff, and visitors and, as such, the district administration will cooperate with appropriate officials conducting health, fire, asbestos, bus, and boiler inspections.

In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), the district will inform all employees and building occupants (or their legal guardians) at least once each school year about all asbestos inspections, response actions, post-response action activities, as well as triennial re-inspection activities and surveillance activities that are either planned or in progress. The district will provide yearly notification to parent, teacher, and employee organizations on the availability of the district’s asbestos management plan and any asbestos-related actions taken or planned in the school.

Public Use of School Facilities and Grounds

The school buildings and grounds are maintained for the education and recreation of school children and for the benefit of the community. Public use of school facilities may take place during and after school hours and if, in the opinion of the building principal or Director of Physical Education the use will not be disruptive to normal school operations.

  • For more information and a Building Use Form, please visit the Forms page

Schoharie District Safety Plan

Schoharie Central School District has developed a district-wide school safety plan designed to prevent or minimize violent incidents and serious emergencies and to facilitate the coordination with local and county resources in the event of such incidents. The district-wide plan is responsive to the needs of both elementary and secondary schools within the district and is consistent with the detailed emergency response plans required at the school building level. School districts are at risk of a wide variety of acts of violence, natural and technological disasters. To address these threats, Schoharie CSD has created a plan in accordance with the State of New York Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) Law. This component of Project SAVE is a comprehensive planning effort that addresses risk reduction/prevention, response, and recovery with respect to a variety of emergencies in the school district and the buildings. The Schoharie Central School District supports the SAVE Legislation, and has tailored its safety plan to meet the specific needs of the district. The Superintendent of the school district encourages and advocates on-going district-wide cooperation and support of Project SAVE.

Districtwide Safety Plan, Board Approved, 2023-24

Pesticide Notification

The district’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Coordinator or designated pesticide representative will give prior written notice of all pesticide applications to anyone who has asked to receive such notice. The district will also notify parents, students and staff of periodic pesticide applications. The district will maintain a list of those people who wish to receive forty-eight (48) hour notice before pesticide applications and will ensure that a system is developed to deliver such notice in a timely fashion to all affected. The notification system may be by mail or email, and will ensure that a back-up method is available to notify those for whom the regular system is unworkable. The name and contact information for the district pesticide representative will be made available to all requesting it. Sample forms for forty-eight (48) hour prior notification can be obtained from New York State.

Asbestos Notification

In accordance with the EPA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1987 (40 CFR Part 763), the Schoharie Central School District put in place a management plan to identify and manage asbestos building materials. Periodic surveillances are done every six months. In addition, abatement projects have been conducted in conjunction with the building construction. Specific notifications are posted in the buildings where projects are done prior to the start of the abatement work.

The Asbestos Management Plan for the district is kept on file at the District Office. These records are available for review during regular business hours or by making a special appointment. For more information, contact the Facilities Department at (518) 295-6689.

School Drinking Water Testing For Lead

In 2016, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed landmark legislation (S.8158/A.10740) mandating that schools across the state test drinking water for lead contamination. Lead is a toxic material that is extremely harmful to young children and can result in lowered IQ, behavioral problems and brain damage. The state Department of Health also issued emergency regulations pursuant to the new legislation, requiring that school districts test their water for lead contamination regularly and report results to parents, the state Department of Health and local government officials.