Elementary Assistant Principal Settles into New Role

Elementary Assistant Principal Betsy Wright is finishing up her second week at Schoharie!

“I’m really loving it. I’ve been really enjoying getting to know all of the students,” Mrs. Wright said, after meeting with fourth grade students during their lunch. 

Mrs. Wright is in her 20th year of education and has served as a reading teacher, classroom teacher, instructional coach and administrator. 

“I am most recently coming from Schenectady City School District. I was the assistant principal at Mont Pleasant Middle School,” she said.

While this is her first time working in the district, she is no stranger to the district.  

“I have a couple of different connections to Schoharie. My family and I live in Duanesburg, so we are not far away. We compete in a lot in sporting events so we see a lot of Schoharie  families that way. My husband is actually the director of pupil personnel services, Mr. Wright,” Mrs. Wright said. 

Mrs. Wright has also worked with Schoharie teachers on professional development as a consultant.